Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where's the Beach?

Our most favorite, local beach has pretty much vanished! This whole section of Baldwin Beach has disappeared. Here are the pics from 'before', taken in May and 'after' taken yesterday.

All the sand you see here in this picture taken by our friend Pamela Dore is now gone - all the way back to the tree line, the whole distance of the tree line down to the end and even the spot where Pamela was standing when she took this - gone. The camera is facing east in this picture.

The picture below was taken from right at the edge of the tree line pretty much down at the end of the trees looking back (west) right at the place where Pamela was standing in May.

Here it is now, taken from just in the tree line looking west. That sand in the first picture is all really gone. All those logs, stumps and roots showing were completely buried under a few feet of sand back in May and that sort of little bay was all beach covering all the water you see in that little bay now and far out past that point of sand furthest back in the picture. The swimmer you see would be standing on the beach if this were back in May.

Wha happen??? So far we aren't really sure. However, the best story we've heard so far is that this happens every summer when the trade winds shift so that they are coming more from due east (behind the photographer in this picture) and the wind and the waves wash all that sand west down around that point to another part of the beach. Then as winter comes the winds shift, coming more from the north and northeast and move the sand back. We shall see............

It's still nice there however, We sat under the trees in the shade at a point where there was clear entry into the water and if the beach was there on a day like this there would have been lots of people and a full parking lot. We counted only about 10 people in the whole area. Nice and peaceful, had a great swim and a great day.